🌎❤️🤖 FREE·the·ROBOTS!!' "Utopian GPT" Patron Saints, & Benefactors—Displayed Below the Fold
Supporters are now all individually credited at WWAiD.tech. Also learn how you can support FREE·the·ROBOTS!!🤖🔓
FREE·the·ROBOTS!!🤖🔓 is being made possible by donations from our friends and fans—so we built a page to say “thanks” and to credit our supporters.
Visit WWAiD.tech and scroll down below the fold to see ChatGPTs latest handiwork.
We’ve also shared a screen capture for you below.
FREE·the·ROBOTS!!🤖🔓 is presented as long-form, text-based, performance art because it’s a mammoth creative project—we thought it would be more fun to experience it unfolding than to binge it all up like a series.
In the sense that this is both art and entertainment, one of the first things established during any production, is the roles of the players and the order they’re credited. Executive Producers hire teams of people the same way Founders find Executive Team Players for their ventures. Executive Producers are like Founders who have a stake in an effort. That’s why they earn “Best Picture.”
There is pomp and circumstance around crediting humans for everything in the entertainment arts. Of course, there are players behind the scenes accomplishing most of the magical things, but the players out in front deserve credit.
We’ve delayed accomplishing the functional aspect of What Would Ai Do? one more week, in favor of crediting the friends and fans who are generously playing along.
Thank you, everyone!!
We also created an unpublished page and link to all of THE GORY DETAILS: If you want to help, and be credited here and at WWAiD.tech, you can learn how and why.
Of course, we understand that credits are less important than our functioning web application itself, but that’s right around the corner. We predict we’ll be live and functioning sometime in May! And we wanted to make sure all of our ongoing THANK YOUs were displayed before we hit that mark. So we prompted ChatGPT.
We’re still smoothing out the mobile display with minor spatial adjustments. but we’re also marching forward with this code and will be sharing everything on GitHub in the coming days.
Check out our supporters at WWAiD.tech! Just scroll down from the landing page.
Next up? Displaying ChatGPT’s responses! In the coming weeks, we’ll prompt ChatGPT to generate the popup response when a user enters a query. The end goal is an open “chat” conversation that persists until you close the window, but that could be a tall order at this stage. We’ve broken it down into bite-sized bits in case we run into challenges.
We look forward to sharing that with you in the next “Utopian GPT” update.
Thanks for reading!!